Wednesday 27 February 2013

Destiny Value- Brenda Lewis

Hey everyone sorry that I have not written a blog in awhile that's just because God has been doing some amazing things in my life from the past couple of weeks. Now I get to share with you and hopefully you can take something from it :)
the past week we had an amazing Women of Christ come to our school and talk to us about Destiny I didn't think it would get me as excited as I am now
  • Its not about you its about what God has placed in you that he wants to pill out of you once you're fully surrender to Christ you're fulfilling your call of God on your life

now something we have to get straight is a career is not a calling its part of it BUT a calling is what you do with the career so don't be afraid to dream big do not place God in a box and say I cant do this for it says in

Jeremiah 29:11

New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

2 callings 
1. call to intimacy with Jesus
2. Call to purpose of Gods dreams for the world


Destiny- calling, eternity, end goal, passion, purpose of creation, fate

a question that was presented to us is do we have more Value than an object or an animal and why? we all said yes. Brenda explained to us that there is someone people out there that like to argue that we all have the same value and when people say that to her she fires back if there was a baby and a puppy in the middle of the road and a truck was about to hit it which one would you save?
everyone wants to know are they worth it and are they loved Brenda went through a bunch of religions sharing that Christianity is the only one that you have value because your God loves you just because he loves you just because he loves you.

1.Science/Naturalism- all you see is all there is, All physical
if everything is equally valuable everything is equally  valueless

2.Pantheism- many Gods "All is God"

A) Hinduism- circle of life reincarnation
B) Buddhism-mind over matter
C) New Age- eastern with me on the top all roads lead to God, truth is whatever I say it is
these religions show that you have to earn your value

3) Post Modernity- "All is whatever"

science+ spirituality
the value is lost because you believe whatever about it

4) Monotheism- One God

A) Islam- " All is Allah"
martyr = instant paradise
no forgiveness and definitely no place for unconditional love
B) Judaism- "Relationship"
Gen 1:26 "we are made in Gods image"
this meant we were made for relationships to love and be loved, eternal, but also gave us....
Minds- ability to think
Will- ability to choose
emotions- ability to feel

C) CHRISTIANITY - this is the only true place you find your value its unconditional nothing you can do or say will stop God from giving it to you it was set before you were born. We dont serve him to be accepted by him we serve him because we are accepted by him

10 Commandments
1. No other Gods
2. No other Idols                                            first 4 protects Gods Value ( LOVE GOD )
3. Do not say The lords Name in vain
4. Honor the Sabbath
5. Honor your mother and your father
6. Do not murder

7. Do not commit Adultery                               Last 6 protect our value ( LOVE OTHERS)
8. Do not steal
9. Do not lie
10. Do not  covet

Love and Identity

 love is wanting the highest Good for someone 
emotions  follow thoughts so don't let you thoughts destroy you take them captive 

Jesus was tempted in all the ways thoughts that are evil and wrong and you have no idea where they come from they are sometime not your thoughts they could be of the world so once again to take them captive and don't allow them to own you

Q. If there is a God why do the innocent Suffer if he is so loving?
A. If there is a God what makes them innocent and who cares if they suffer?

how do we know if anyone is innocent or guilty it comes from our Law or moral code the BIBLE
why do they have value because God loves them?