Action: the cycle I want to stop. No more shame.
My shame symptoms include:
I know I am in shame when I fell_________________________. If I could taste shame, it would taste like_________________________. If I could smell shame, it would taste like___________________. If I could touch shame, it would feel like___________________.
shame has physical symptoms. These might include your mouth getting dry, time seeming to slow down, your hear racing, twitching, looking down and tunnel vision, These symptoms are different from one person to the next. If you learn your physical symptoms, you can recognize shame and get back on your feet faster
I want to be perceived as ______________ _____________ _____________
I do not want to be perceived as _____________ _____________ _____________
Actions: The person I no longer want to be.
what are you hiding behind? what masks are you wearing?
Actions: who I want to be!!
write a word or short phrase representing what you want, claim what God intended for you to be
example: In my heart I will be content In my mind I will be positive
In my heart
In my Mind
In my Actions
In my soul
In my life
IN my walk
In my dreams
In my Days
In all things
In touching others
In singing praises
In passing time
In breathing
In play
In devotional time
In visions
In the beginning
In this season
IN the future
In the Past
In this day
In tomorow
in all my days
love love love you xoxox