Monday 21 January 2013

Week 4

This is just the notes from today take what you like from it :)

The glory of God is man fully alive, are you? are you trusting in God with everything you have?
Stop worrying he is on your side follow his path!
trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

What does it mean to walk with God
W - Worshiping God
A - approaching God daily with prayer in a set time for him
L-loving other Christians
K- knowing the word of God
I- investing in the kingdom of God
N- nurturing
G- giving your life to serve God

-we are worried to win and be victorious but we so often pursue the wrong trophies. the ultimate prize is God :)

-I will never be the woman I am suppose to be unless I devote myself to God and trust in his plans he has for me

Dioko is the Hebrew word for pursue and I had a weird realization today what if i pursued God as hard as i pursue Patrick (sorry Patrick this is not a bad thing :p) but what would happen then this blows my mind :) 

God is so big and all knowing why would you not trust the creator or the earth and the stars 

"know for this part do not assume i am telling you that you don't have to go to "church" that's not what I am saying I am saying that should not be your main focus"

worship is not about where you worship but who you worship its not about the fact you go to church "A building" but who you love...Christ Jesus, its your heart behind it. you could go to church and completely miss the point of Christianity to know God on a personal level.

This is for all you ladies reading this ;) a main part of worshiping God is being okay with your body you can't love God and hate your Body. If you're a strong Christian and your ripping yourself apart that's slapping God in the face!! he created you how he wanted to. And if you say well I have died my hair I have broken my nose or gained a lot of weight that's the devil trying to ruin your life TRUST IN THE LORD! he knows your life he knows your heart and you are beautiful. I was reading the Book captivating that my friend Stacia gave me and it talks about Women having stressful beauty.. you're are probably thinking what the heck is that lol ? well that's when some on is constantly trying to watch what the eat work out like crazy and nit picking at everything they don't like about themselves when in fact they are gorgeous its just stressful to be around.. have you ever met someone like that? where you don't feel great leaving a conversation from them. What about have you ever met someone where they are just filled with the holy spirit and have such a pure and joyful heart that beauty flows from the inside out and its rejuvenating to be around them :) I have I have loads of people in my life like my Mom, Carolyn, Stacia, Katie, Kaitlin, and Brittni so so much more women. sorry if I forgot your names.

But i am so stocked for this week God has already taught me so much!

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