Wednesday 16 January 2013

Sin and Shame

-Adam and Eve sinned against God and ate the forbidden fruit, by doing this they lost the connection from God, but he never left them. a wall was just placed between us. Through eating they became shameful. and sadly shame distorts how people see things. Shame means "A painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior." The punishment for sin for woman was child birth and for man  it was labor and through both of these punishments they bring life the reason they are so hard is because we cut ourselves off from the ultimate life source, God!

-If the wages of sin is death does that mean you will automatically die once you sin? no! for example it means if you commit adultery the end result can come to divorce of your marriage. however grace (GOD) can step in and save what ever is lost.

-If there is a food we hate we usually say I don't like it or that's yucky. Most people believe that's how God reacts to our sin. But if Jesus is just like the trinity in Heaven and on Earth HE HUNG OUT WITH SINNERS! wow shocker lol. God does not turn his back when we sin. We are also not defined by our sin. God does not hate us he hates the Garbage that holds us down. Gods love is always constant we don't loose it nor do we earn it.

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